Known for his commercial insight and dedication to his clients and their businesses, Peter Greene applies these same principles to his involvement in the community, and to those less fortunate.
Peter Greene is co-head of the Investment Management Group at Schulte Roth & Zabel. He focuses his practice on all matters related to the formation and structuring of private funds and management companies, compliance and regulatory requirements, and public to private investment opportunities. He has particular experience in insider trading determinations, including the purchase, analysis and use of alternative data. His background as the General Counsel and Chief Operating Officer of a buy-side firm earlier in his career provided Peter with a unique understanding of his clients’ goals.
Peter relates these values in his contributions to not-for-profit organizations within the community. He has been a regular participant for many years in the New York Young Jewish Professionals programs, mentoring and supporting junior industry professionals, and has been involved with TAP since its inception, providing pro bono legal services and serving as a member of the board. Peter served as a member of the Board of Directors of the Managed Funds Association (MFA), the leading trade association for the hedge fund and global alternative investment industry.