We provide strategic support to small business owners to accelerate their growth. Our services are available in 16 languages, including Spanish.
Our diverse consultant team donates their time, expertise, and mentoring skills to allow small business owners to reach their full potential.
Your donation helps us to train and deploy experienced professionals to support under-resourced small business owners.

"TAP helped me create a methodology for pricing my services and supported the creation of a cash flow. These tools will help me in the future to be able to have my finances in order and also invest in the long term." Lorena, Owner of Jade Garden Design

"My consultants are masters of their crafts and came from applicable backgrounds that were perfect for my brand. One was from the baby industry and the other digital marketing. I couldn’t have chosen better if I tried! I was left with actionable items and a plan outlining multi-phase growth." Nadiyah, Founder of TinyPoo
59,000+Hours Donated
100,000+Businesses Served*
87%Women-Owned Businesses
73%Business Owned by Underrepresented Populations
*Over 100,000 individuals reached through online resources and content: 9,300+ small business clients served with customized engagements and 2,050+ served through webinars and workshops